We are a voluntary group of Canadian Catholics, mostly women, who have worked since 1987 to help secure and
maintain access to family planning and reproductive services for Canadian women.
We seek to shape sexual and reproductive ethics that are based on justice and a commitment to women's well being,
and which affirm the moral capacity of women and men to make sound and responsible decisions about their lives.
Through education and advocacy, CFC- C works to infuse these values into public policy, community life and Catholic
social teaching.
In March 2009, we co-signed a letter protesting the Vatican's 1968 encyclical letter "Humanae Vitae",
which banned all forms of artificial birth control. The letter, on the 40 th anniversary of the encyclical was
published in a Rome newspaper and prompted a swift reprimand from the Vatican
In spring, 2008 we worked with other groups in Canada to successfully resist the Ken Epp private member's bill
called the "Fetal Homicide Bill" which would have rendered the fetus a person, which has never been
the case in Canadian law.
In 2007-8 we supported. Amnesty International in its move to make sexual and reproductive rights human rights
worldwide. Amnesty called for the decriminalizing of abortion, and the pvovision of health services after rape
or incest or botched abortions. The Canadian bishops announced their opposition to these provisions on their website
and called on Canadians to withdraw support from AI
WE continue to respond to calls from graduate and undergraduate students reseaching the position of Catholic
women, church law and morality.
In July 2007 we issued a press release urging a local Midland hospital not to amalgate
with another Catholic-run hospital, which would put women's reproductive services into jeopardy.
CFC-C is a founding member of the Canadian national abortion rights organization, the Abortion Rights Coalition
of Canada (ARCC).
In June 2007, we issued a press release commending Amnesty International for taking
a policy in support of reproductive rights, especially in the face of strong opposition from the Catholic Church.
Members of CFC-C staffed an information table at the recent convention of Catholic Network for Women's Equality.
Members also assisted by staffing a booth at the World AIDS Conference in Toronto, in 2006
Participation in the March for Women's Lives, Washington, April 25, 2004
"Challenge the Church", a participatory weeklong program for youth during Papal Youth Days in
Toronto, 2002
Articles in "Conscience" magazine, in "Catholic New Times", in the Toronto
Submission to Toronto Catholic School Board protesting the cancellation of Halloween funds for UNICEF
Letter in support of Celina Ling, who was refused a church wedding because she is employed by Planned Parenthood
CFC-C is closely linked to Catholics for a Choice Washington, and with Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir in
several Latin American countries. We participate in international campaigns: the "SEE CHANGE" campaign,
which questions the status of the Holy See as a Permanent Member of the United Nations, and the "Condoms-
for- Life" campaign which focuses on HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Canada has no criminal law restricting abortion.
Laws against abortion were first liberalized in 1969 and then declared unconstitutional in 1988.
Canadians, including Catholics, indicate in polls that they are 80% in favour of this situation.
Access to family planning services including abortion is available in all provinces except Prince Edward
Abortion is still highly politicized and vigilance is necessary to protect women's hard won rights. A federal
political party is now anti choice.
Ninety percent of abortions in Canada are done in the first trimester.
The Church lobbies in all available forums to restrict abortion, calling it a great evil. It often seems to
reduce moral thinking to this one topic. There is a great deal of misinformation about abortion and the status
of pro-choice Catholics in the church. Yet the primacy of one's conscience is a central concept in Catholic moral
thinking. The church has no official teaching on when the fetus becomes a person.
Catholic social teaching calls on us to stand with the poor, in this case poor women. They are entitled to non-
discriminatory public funding for child bearing and for their reproductive health. No true moral decision can be
made in an atmosphere of threat and coercion.
Support this crucial work for Canadian and global women and families. Speak truth to power.
And receive a subscription to the excellent magazine "Conscience", the quarterly journal of essential
Catholic opinion. Clip and mail the attached coupon with your cheque for $25, made out to Catholics for a Choice-
Your Name:
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I year membership including 4 issues of "Conscience"……………..$25
2 year membership, with 8 issues of "Conscience"……………………$50
Mail to
Box 65179
Toronto, On
M4K 1W2
Would you like to be more involved in CFC-C? Add telephone number and email address, please. |
Find Out About The "See Change" Campaign

To Contact Us
Catholics For A Choice - Canada
P.O. Box 65179
Toronto, Ontario
M4K 1W2
Phone: (705) 768-2514
Email: info@catholicsforchoice.ca
Coordinator: Rosemary Ganley
tel 705 748 9756
For much more information on CFC and a list of available publications, visit: http://www.catholicsforchoice.org